Believe me we all appreciate an donation, it reminds us that we are doing it for the right reasons and that ppl do appreciate the countless hours and repetitive posts we answer and do everything we can to help you stay safe and still let you browse thru the many delights the site offers. In all honesty the average donation is never above .5 btc, but many mostly vendors will drop 5+btcs once every couple months. Personally my btcs I get go right back into the community vendors for my medications like xanax and morphine for my back. Things that improve my quality of life or at the very least mask my pain for enough to get through another day. Protip: For anyone that reads this, if you will just go to my profile page and go in my posts section, then use the search function thru my posts most likely I've answered whatever your question may be. If not after you've used the search function on the forum home page, either PM a mod or even better make a thread in the right section, the members are generally more than happy to help. nomad